New Online CFE Exam Prep Course Accessible from Anywhere


John Loftis, CFE
ACFE Product Marketing Manager

Last Monday on my drive home from work, I felt a strange shake in my car. I pulled over in a parking lot to check what might be going on. What did I find? There was a nail in my left rear tire. How inconvenient.

Life is constantly throwing hurdles like these in our way. Cars breakdown, kids get sick and houses always seem to be in need of repair. Life can be full of inconveniences, but studying for your CFE credential shouldn’t have to be one of them.

That’s why we’ve developed a new online edition of the CFE Exam Prep Course. The course takes all the best features of the Prep Course and delivers them through your browser on any Windows or Mac computer, as well as the iPad.

The new online edition looks identical to the desktop version. However, it is accessible from anywhere you have Internet access by logging in through There’s no need to install any additional software. This means you’re no longer tied to studying on just two computers. Study from home, study from work, study from the library, study from Starbucks on your iPad or any other place where you can connect to the Internet. No matter where you access your course, your progress will be automatically saved, so you can pick-up right where you left off. Now that’s convenience.

Visit to learn more. Available in U.S., Canadian and International editions.

ACFE Launches New Fraud Magazine App


By Mandy Moody
ACFE Social Media Specialist

Fighting fraud can take anti-fraud professionals many places; not just in the figurative sense. We fly across the country (or world), drive to an office, or ride the subway to various meetings and investigations. While cell phones, laptops, files and other miscellaneous items fill our briefcases, there may not always be room for magazines and books. However, with the changing technology and emergence of downloadable apps, we can take our favorite reading materials virtually anywhere.

We are excited to announce that the ACFE launched a new Fraud Magazine app, giving access to magazine articles and down-in-the-trenches information readers have come to expect. The free app is available for the iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones.

With the app you can:

  • Read the latest issue’s content
  • Access back issues

Download the app today and enjoy Fraud Magazine from wherever it is most convenient for you.

For ACFE members: You will need your user ID, which is your email address, and a unique password, different from your password. If you need the app password, please email Member Services or call them at (800) 245-3321 or + 1 (512) 478-9000.