New Prep Course Reaffirms International Presence



John Loftis, CFE

ACFE Product Marketing Manager

In July of 2006, I attended my first ACFE Annual Fraud Conference. One memory that really sticks in my mind is the opening ceremony. It sets the tone for what the conference is all about: a diverse group of individuals who have come together to share ideas and learn more about anti-fraud efforts. This idea is symbolized with a procession of flags representing each country at the conference. Each of these flags is carried by an attendee who proudly represents their home country.                                                                       


That memory is important to me because it gives a clear visual about the international presence of the ACFE and the pride our members take in their fight against fraud. I was most recently reminded of the opening ceremonies while working on our latest product, the 2011 CFE Exam Prep Course™, International Edition.

Now in its fourth year, the new Prep Course features an all-new user interface and enhanced features to improve the exam preparation experience.

To learn more about the 2011 CFE Exam Prep Course™, International Edition, go here.