Closing the Case with Social Media: Learn How to Search Covertly Online


Mandy Moody

ACFE Social Media Specialist 

Some people come alive while steering a NASCAR or singing into a microphone. (Personally, I feel most comfortable sitting in front of a laptop posting and tweeting all day.) But for Cynthia Hetherington, president of Hetherington Group, the spotlight seems to shine brightest when she is teaching a crowded room of eager listeners how to navigate covertly through the elusive and ever-changing world of the Internet.

As one of the ACFE’s most popular faculty members, Hetherington uses examples from her own fraud investigations and years of online research to give CFEs and fraud examiners the vital tools needed to close the case on a fraudster by using social networks.

In her Pre-Conference session, “Effectively Using Social Networks and Social Media in Fraud Examinations,” Hetherington advised attendees on how to locate assets, uncover intelligence and find free resources for conducting due diligence and background investigations on the Internet - all effective ways to expose a fraudster online. She explained how to deconstruct a profile for an investigation and detailed safe ways to search social network profiles.

"You can use social networks and social media as a search tool," Hetherington said. "Use it as intelligence, not evidence, to help you profile a suspected fraudster."

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