6 Small Things that Can Have a Big Impact On Your Career


Kathy Lavinder, CFE
Owner and Executive Director of Security & Investigative Placement Consultants

When it comes to the job hunt, sometimes it’s the small things that have the biggest impact. After 15 years recruiting anti-fraud specialists I’ve seen countless instances when attention to detail and good manners have carried a candidate over the finish line. Here are some small things that you should not overlook when searching for a job:

Be responsive: When a recruiter, an associate, a professional contact, or a hiring manager calls or emails about a position, respond in a timely fashion. It’s shocking how many candidates take days or even weeks to reply after an initial contact. That’s a surefire way to miss out on what could be a great opportunity. It’s equally shocking how many people have voicemail boxes that are full and won’t accept messages. Opportunity may not come knocking twice, so be ready.

But don’t be too hasty: If you’re responding to an overture in writing, thoughtfully compose your reply. Make sure to avoid grammatical or spelling mistakes. Don’t expect anyone to overlook issues just because the reply is sent from a smart phone. Attention to detail is important in even the most basic of communications. Also, avoid jumping to conclusions about the role you’ve been contacted about. Make an informed decision once you’ve learned more, as opposed to a knee-jerk response.

Be on time: Just to state the obvious, being late for any interview – phone or in-person – is unacceptable and almost always a deal breaker. Strong organizational and time management skills are essential for all fraud fighters and job seekers.

Be a good listener: Anti-fraud practitioners should have well developed listening skills, so make sure those are on display during any conversations about a potential career opportunity. Avoid asking questions that can be answered by a careful reading of the position description. The hallmark of a good listener is in the quality of follow-up questions he or she poses. Not only will you glean valuable information, but you’ll impress the interviewer when your questions reveal thoughtfulness and an insightful understanding.

Dress the part: Your clothing, makeup, and grooming choices all communicate things about you.  Polished shoes, trimmed nails and hair, ironed clothing and business-appropriate attire are expected. Candidates who miss the mark on any of these will be at a disadvantage should their skills and experience be comparable to other candidates who are suitably turned out.

Good manners rule: The use of social niceties, such as please and thank you, is expected. Good manners reflect a respect for others and indicate not only an awareness of social norms, but the likelihood of being a good team player. A carefully crafted thank you note, either hand-written or via email, is essential after any interview. It not only communicates your appreciation for the other person’s time and attention, but is a great way to reiterate your interest in the role. Even if you have decided not to pursue the opportunity further, remember to say thank you. 

Hiring decisions are based on multiple factors and calculations, but any job seeker would be wise to get the little things right. They can only help your chances of getting hired. 

How to Use Existing Experience to Change Fields



Executive Search Specialist and Career Coach at the 23rd Annual ACFE Fraud Conference & Exhibition, June 17-22, in Orlando, Fla.

For people looking to make a career change, how can you use existing experience to transition into a different field?

This continues to be a tough environment for those wanting to use their skills in a different field or setting. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either. Create a skills-based résumé that details all relevant and transferable skills. Make sure the résumé has an opening paragraph that delivers your “value proposition.” This section should connect everything you’ve done that’s relevant into a cogent argument for your suitability for the role. Don’t ever expect the reader to do that - the reader isn’t equipped to do that and won’t have or take the time.  

Once you have a résumé that articulates your suitability for the new role, network with people who can open doors, make introductions, or provide guidance and direction. Let your professional contacts know what you’re trying to do and why you think you’d be good in the new role. Don’t ask anyone to find you a job; ask them for their suggestions and have them relate some of their relevant personal experiences. All the while, gather information so that your efforts will be more targeted, efficient and effective. Learn everything you can about the new field so that you can demonstrate in conversations your appreciation for not only the industry or business sector, but also the issues and concerns in that field. Informational interviews are great, if you can get them.  

When you get a job interview, don’t just sell yourself; sell the benefits of your fresh perspective, your motivation, and the passion that you’ll bring to the new role and environment. Be honest about experience gaps, while you stress your openness to learn and a strong desire for professional growth. If you truly know yourself and know that you’ll be a valued contributor in the new role, there’s likely to be a hiring manager who will be convinced. 

What do you most hope attendees will take away from the Career Connection at this year’s Conference?

I hope attendees will feel empowered after they leave the Career Connection. I expect they will have made important new connections, gathered practical information and learned things they didn’t know. Make no mistake about it, there are great opportunities out there in the marketplace in the area of fraud prevention and detection. This field has a bright future ahead with an ever-expanding need for talent. Demographics alone are creating new opportunities and advantages for early and mid-career professionals.

I hope that sense of empowerment comes with a commitment to avoid passivity, resting on one’s laurels and the rejection of a “good enough for now” attitude. At the end of the day, it is up to each individual to chart his/her career course. I know they’ll leave the Career Connection with new ideas, tactics and strategies for charting that course.

Speak with Lavinder and other career coaches at this year’s ACFE Annual Fraud Conference, June 17-22, 2012, in Orlando, FL.