ACFE Awards Nominations Now Open


Ashley Stone, CFE
ACFE Chapter Development Manager

The awards season is upon us yet again and this year, fraud is in the spotlight. The Wolf of Wall Street, a film focusing on securities fraud and corruption, is nominated for five Academy Awards.

While the film industry is glamorizing fraudsters, the ACFE is recognizing the stars of the anti-fraud profession with awards of our own.

You don’t have to be a member of the Academy to nominate a fellow fraud fighter or ACFE chapter to win their own shiny award.

Now is your opportunity to help decide who should be recognized for their achievements and service.

Nominations for the ACFE Awards are now being accepted in the following categories:

  • Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year: presented to a CFE who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of fraud examination
  • Educator of the Year: presented to an ACFE educator member who has made an outstanding contribution in anti-fraud education
  • Chapter of the Year: presented to an ACFE Chapter that is active and in good standing with the ACFE
  • Chapter Newsletter of the Year: presented to the Chapter Newsletter that is of highest quality and is delivered to recipients on a regular and timely basis
  • Achievement in Outreach/Community Service: presented to an ACFE member who has made an outstanding contribution in the community

Award winners will receive a unique, etched glass award, recognition in Fraud Magazine and on and honored at the 25th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in San Antonio, Texas, June 15-20, 2014.

Submit your nominations here. A follow-up questionnaire will be sent to each nominator via email to obtain more information. All nominations and questionnaires are due by March 14.

Resolution #2: Continue to Go Global




Anil Narayan

ACFE Global Business Development Manager

Sure, I knew all about Enron, WorldCom and Bernie Madoff. Having worked in international telecommunications for the past 15 years, I was quite familiar with how easily and quickly billions of dollars could be forfeited due to undetected fraudulent activity. However, prior to applying for my newly created position here in the fall of 2012, I wasn’t aware of the ACFE nor of the Certified Fraud Examiner credential. With some research, I quickly learned of the critical role CFEs play in the fight against fraud and the invaluable array of knowledge and skills they bring to their organizations. In accepting this new job, I have taken on the challenges of expanding the ACFE’s reach around the world as well as making my parents understand where I work for a living.

With a couple of months under my belt, I’ve found anti-fraud lingo to be a part of a language that professionals around the world are increasingly learning. Nearly 25 percent of the ACFE’s members reside outside of the U.S. and represent our fastest-growing demographic, with Asia and Africa seeing the largest rise in new membership over the past year. Our CFE Exam Review Course in Singapore last March and the ACFE Asia-Pacific Fraud Conference in Hong Kong in November 2012 were so successful, the events paved the way for ACFE courses to be offered in Melbourne, Jakarta and Shanghai in April 2013.

Historic conferences organized exclusively by ACFE Chapters in South Africa and Greece drew approximately 800 people to each venue, demonstrating the demand for anti-fraud education. Embracing the growth of the ACFE outside of the U.S., our biggest annual conference, projected to attract 2,400 attendees to Las Vegas in June 2013, has been officially renamed the 24th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference.

We also recently introduced the Global Spotlight on to celebrate the accomplishments of our members outside of the U.S., with the inaugural feature story showcasing the aforementioned first Hellenic Anti-Fraud Conference in Athens, Greece.

As we start the New Year, our focus is on the ACFE’s global events, beginning with the ACFE European Fraud Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, 17-19 March. By inviting prominent keynote speakers, such as former Europol Director Max-Peter Ratzel and Director-General of European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Giovanni Kessler, we believe the ACFE will continue to draw record attendance to these events.

The ACFE, recognizing the need to enhance and support the growth trend outside of the U.S., launched its latest global initiative at the end of 2012. The first step was to create the Global Business Development Manager position and fill it with me, a product of three distinct cultures: Born and raised in Taiwan as an Indian expatriate, I only moved to the U.S. at the age of 18. I believe I can bring a unique international perspective to the organization and act as the voice of our members around the world, to whom I assure:


We are listening.

A Chapter Out To Make A Difference In Its Community


Jeff Kubiszyn, CFE
Chapter Development Manager

Involvement in an ACFE chapter can be much more than just an inexpensive lunch. Not only does participation in a chapter offer you the chance to earn CPE credits, network and develop leadership skills it also opens the door to opportunities for members to have a positive effect in their community. Members in the Pacific Northwest (U.S.) chapter are prime examples.

The Pacific Northwest chapter is very active in its community. Chapter members routinely volunteer their time to groups and schools. Last year the chapter added to the growing list of organizations it supports, and this has carried over into 2012.

The chapter began a joint program with the King County, Wash. Prosecutor’s Office Elder Abuse Project to assist seniors in need. Several chapter members volunteered to provide advice and counsel on elder abuse cases and provide volunteer fraud examination services.

The chapter also collaborates with the City of Bellevue, Wash. Police Department to provide volunteer fraud examination services. Chapter members meet with detectives to review cases and documentation, speak with victims, advise detectives during the investigation, summarize accounting details and provide help to officers in recognizing other violations. The volunteers contribute 10 hours a month and go through a rigorous application process.

For some, the experience gained is invaluable. As one volunteer put it, "it gave me the experience I needed, but couldn't find in traditional accounting jobs, to prepare for full-time employment fighting fraud." This year the chapter hopes to have additional members volunteer to continue this pro-bono fraud examination work for the department.

Supporting local law enforcement agencies and fraud victims alike is one of the many ways ACFE chapters give back to the community. Contact your local chapter if you want to help serve your community.