Catch Me If You Con: Frank Abagnale Jr. and the Resurgence of Check Fraud

Catch Me If You Con: Frank Abagnale Jr. and the Resurgence of Check Fraud

The name Frank Abagnale Jr. is synonymous with check fraud and counterfeiting. His story, which was popularized in the 2002 film "Catch Me If You Can," starred Leonardo DiCaprio as the master imposter himself. Starting when he was just a teenager in the mid- to late-1960s, Abagnale managed to defraud banks and businesses out of more than $2.5 million by forging fraudulent checks.

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Engagement Baiting, Data Mining and Your Personal Data 

Engagement Baiting, Data Mining and Your Personal Data 

The first thing to admit is that we’ve all probably done it. There, secret’s out. What is it, exactly? We’ve commented on one of those posts or clicked on one of those sites asking for seemingly inconsequential information in order to determine our elf name or which alcohol goes with your personality. Even seemingly more innocuous, “Who is your favorite actor?,” “How long have you been married?” or “What movie can you watch over and over again?” Most of these clickbait quizzes appear harmless at the surface, but the more often you respond, the more you inform social media algorithms that in turn show you similar posts more frequently.  

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Protect Yourself from Tax Preparer Fraud 

Protect Yourself from Tax Preparer Fraud 

Tax season can be a stressful time for many people, and it's important to be vigilant in order to protect yourself from tax preparer fraud. By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from tax preparer fraud and ensure that your tax return is accurate and handled properly. If you suspect that you've been a victim of tax preparer fraud, contact the IRS immediately. 

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DEI and Fraud Examination: What’s the Why for DEI?

DEI and Fraud Examination: What’s the Why for DEI?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a term that is often tossed around within companies and organizations, but what does it mean? The formal definition of DEI is “a conceptual framework that promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people, especially in the workplace, including populations who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination because of their background, identity, disability, etc.” It’s often used to describe policies and programs put in place to highlight and recognize the representation and participation of different groups of individuals.

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Old Tactics, New Landscape

Old Tactics, New Landscape

We get them every day, multiple times a day. Most contain misspelled words that easily reveal the emails are fake. But that’s not the case with all of them. I’ve seen plenty of sham emails and advertisements that look authentic and made me think twice before deleting them. CFEs have a good eye for these scams and can usually spot them quickly. But sometimes the language and graphics are so convincing that they fool even the most skilled observer.

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