Two Ways to Educate Your Company About Fraud Prevention


“Profile of a Fraudster” and 
“Tips for Organizations” (PowerPoints)

A fraud suspect might not be easy to pick out of a crowd - or from a rap sheet. However, ACFE research and resources can help your company identify certain common traits and red flags.

The ACFE has published two new PowerPoint presentations that can provide insightful information for any audience during International Fraud Awareness Week (and beyond). These short but valuable slideshows communicate both the urgency of the occupational fraud problem and ways to mitigate fraud risk.

“Profile of a Fraudster” explores common traits and behavioral red flags among those who perpetrate fraud. These factors, such as age, department and background record of a fraudster are gleaned from research for the ACFE’s 2010 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse. “Tips for Organizations” provides simple steps any business, agency or non-profit can take immediately to help prevent and detect fraud.

Download the ACFE’s newest fraud resources, “Profile of a Fraudster” and “Tips for Organizations” here.